Tesla fabrikasında robot işçiye saldırdı

Dünyanın en zengin insanlarından Elon Musk’ın sahibi olduğu Tesla’da yaşanan korkunç olaylar gözler önüne serildi.

Otonom otomobil geliştiren ve son yılların en popüler şirketlerinden biri olan Tesla’nın fabrikalarında çalışan mühendis ve işçilerin fabrikadaki robotlar tarafından saldırıya uğradığı ortaya çıktı.

Ortaya çıkan resmi belgelerde şirketin Teksas’taki fabrikasında 2021 yılında bir üretim robotunun bir mühendisi duvara ittirdiği tespit edildi. Mühendis inceleme ve bakım yaparken robotun kapatıldığı fakat daha

A Tesla engineer was attacked by a robot and pinned to a wall at the electric car manufacturer’s factory in Texas in 2021, according to an incident report filed with regulators.

The robot, which was designed to move aluminium car parts, was supposed to have been turned off to allow the worker to perform maintenance, the technology website The Information reported.

However, the machine was said to have been inadvertently left on and while performing its programmed movements pinned the engineer to the wall and sank its metal claws into his back and arm.

The worker is said to have suffered cuts that left a trail of blood in the factory in Austin.

As he attempted to free himself from the robot, another worker hit an emergency stop button and released the machine’s hold, a witness said.

Accident is latest recorded at the company’s Texas gigafactory, where one of out every 21 workers were injured last year
Author: Seher Alp

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